System.Exception: StaticFileFormInstances::SelectOne::Error occured. ---> System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
at Disill.Modules.StaticFileForm.DB.StaticFileFormInstances.SelectOne()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Disill.Modules.StaticFileForm.DB.StaticFileFormInstances.SelectOne()
at Disill.Modules.StaticFileForm.StaticFileForm.CreateChildControls()
Shanghai China- Sigurður Flosason & Jóel Pálsson Quartet
Shanghai China
The “legendary twins” Sigurdur Flosason and Joel Palsson from cool Iceland flew east to Shanghai in golden October with full armor and high spirits and recorded these eleven songs. Showing here their multicolored flair and fabulous feel leaves you infatuated. Supported by the “golden partnership” of Valdimar Kolbeinn Sigurjonsson and Einar Scheving gives their compositions indomitable balance and strength. The variety in their music is remarkable from the joyful rhythm of “Get in line” to the soulful ballad of “Stars”. Visit to Chinese culture through their unexpected inexpressible version of the folk rhyme “Jasmine Flower” shows their infallible sense and musical spectrum. This record truly exposes the rich talent of the “legendary twins” and their “golden partners”. I really hope you enjoy listening. Ottar Felix Hauksson